I can think of more exciting ways to spend a whack of dough, but there's no getting around the fact that we need to build a new garage.
Our existing circa 1950s one-car is literally falling apart (this photo was taken two years ago).
Each snow, wind or rain storm more shingles blow off. The roof is leaking, the structure is leaning, and there's no getting a car (let alone two) in it (which is important in our cold Calgary winters). So it's out with the old and in with new.
That said, we're trying to avoid building a "boring, ugly box" as my husband calls it. In addition, we are faced with certain restrictions -- we live on a very narrow lot (which restricts the width) and there are rules about how much of your property you can cover with buildings/structures, and therefore we're hoping to go up (and include a storage loft).
We also want to ensure it relates (design-wise) to the house.
Therefore we've been on-the-hunt crusing the internet, magazines and alleys throughout the city collecting ideas.
Here are some of the images/ideas we've collected:

Any ideas/suggestions?