Saturday, December 26, 2009

Kitchens Sell Houses?

They say that kitchens sell houses. We may have bought this house, but it was most definitely NOT for the kitchen. Then again, may be it was.

The idea of HAVING to renovate the kitchen had a certain appeal as it meant we would be able to put our own stamp on it.

Everything would have to go:

- good-bye hideous light fixtures;
- adios worn vinyl flooring;
- sianara 1980s cabinetry and appliances;
- see ya later bulky bulkheads.

Most of all, we had to come up with a new lay-out since the awkward "C" shape trapped you in the fifth circle of hell, wedged between the dishwasher, stove and fridge.

1 comment:

  1. If you sell your house send me complete detail about your house location and how many room in your house.


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